Ep. 256 - Punk isn't dead...it just learned to code.

August 23, 2019 #CRYPTO101

Today we talk to Horizen CEO and co-founder, Rob Viglione, about libertarianism, privacy, and taking back control. Horizen, formerly known as Zencash, is working closely with Digital Currency Group, Grayscale Investments, and the IOHK Foundation to create a brand new way for developers to collaborate and create an open, privacy-focused internet. Will it be a throwback to the early days of the internet we were used to prior to tracking cookies and logins, or will Horizen form into something else entirely? Tune in to find out exactly what Horizen means when they say, “Bringing Privacy to Life.”

Today we talk to Horizen CEO and co-founder, Rob Viglione, about libertarianism, privacy, and taking back control. Horizen, formerly known as Zencash, is working closely with Digital Currency Group, Grayscale Investments, and the IOHK Foundation to create a brand new way for developers to collaborate and create an open, privacy-focused internet. Will it be a throwback to the early days of the internet we were used to prior to tracking cookies and logins, or will Horizen form into something else entirely? Tune in to find out exactly what Horizen means when they say, “Bringing Privacy to Life.”

Podcast Host:

Bryce Paul & PizzaMind

Podcast Guest:

Rob Viglione

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